Monthly Archives: July 1996

Hasty words

I’m sure you know, however, that USENET is full of provocative questions, and I’m the first to admit that SOME things I read on USENET go right to the anger center of my brain. That good ‘ole righteous wrath juice … Continue reading

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Jesus Second Coming (Whoops, you missed it)

Re: Second Coming of Jesus. Someone asked me in E-mail what I thought of the idea that the Second Coming of Jesus might have conincided with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. This is my reply: As you of … Continue reading

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Gospel of Philip

This is the text in question (maybe others): As for the Wisdom who is called “the barren,” she is the mother of the angels. And the companion of the Savior is Mary Magdalene. But Christ loved her more than all … Continue reading

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Bunker Mentality

In these days when conservatives are very vocal politically, and when Christian Television is uniformly fundamentalist, it is possible to get into a “bunker mentality” and forget all the openness, love and generosity left in the world.

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Public Prayer

When I was in school, in the 50’s, we had school-wide announcements and prayers over the intercom. I don’t think anyone benefitted from them. One summer I took a course at a Catholic college, and every class was opened and … Continue reading

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dirt false christian scum

Somebody called me “dirt false christian scum” Continue reading

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