Unsafe in Georgia

Georgia is the state next to where I live. I like to visit the Georgia Aquarium and the High Museum in Atlanta. Sometimes I shop at the outlets in Commerce, Georgia.

I don’t feel safe going to Georgia anymore now that the Governor signed a bill allowing guns in banks, churches, bars, schools (employees) and public buildings. I’m not trying to make a big fuss in the debate over the 2nd Amendment. It’s just a fact that people who are mentally unstable or abuse substances can get guns and that if enough guns are on the street, accidents will happen and people will get killed. I just don’t feel safe in Georgia, and I’m staying away.

About Kevin

Just an old guy with opinions that I like to bounce off other people.
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2 Responses to Unsafe in Georgia

  1. larry mac slay says:

    I just don’t feel safe in Georgia since the Governor allows people to drive in Georgia. They drive to banks, churchs, bars, schools, public buildings. It’s just a fact that people who are mentally unstable or abuse substances can get driver’s liscenses and if enough drivers are on the street, accidents will happen and people will get killed. I don’t feel safe in Georgia, so I’m staying away.

    • Kevin says:

      Hey Mac. Where are you these days?

      You have a point. Bruce Schneier in his book Beyond Fear spends some time talking about dangers that you should worry about and dangers that are very unlikely, and it is probably pretty unlikely that someone will shoot me on the streets of Atlanta.

      Nevertheless, it was on the very street where you grew up, by the National Guard Armory one night back in the 1960’s when a guy stopped his car, pulled out a shotgun, pointed it at me and Donnie Coleman and said “get in the car.” It was your father that came down and rescued us (not using a gun, by the way). It took me decades before I could even talk about that experience because I thought I was going to die.

      In Greenville I was walking on the street in town in broad daylight. I crossed the street at a stop sign, and I guess the guy in the car thought I should have waited for him. He rolled down his windows and said, “I’ll blow off your fucking head.” I didn’t actually see a gun, but his windows were heavily tinted.

      So you will excuse me for feeling uncomfortable around strangers carrying guns.

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