Music (?) 4 Joy

Music 4 Joy is a broadcast carried by a commercial station in Nauen, Germany, that consists of an hour of what some have called “techno” music with no announcements. It’s like random notes accompanied by a drum machine. The audio appears to be the same repetitive pattern, perhaps with small variations, on each of the 8 weekly appearances.

The broadcasts are Tuesday and Thursday only (times UTC):

  • 13:00-14:00 – 17670 kHz to Far East
  • 18:00-19:00 – 11790 kHz to East Africa
  • 18:30-19:30 – 9755 kHz to the Middle East
  • 20:00-21:00 – 9800 Khz to West Africa

My interest comes from the challenge of receiving a station that’s unusual and one that’s not broadcasting in my direction.

World map showing direction of Music 4 Joy broadcast, all pointing away from North America
Direction of the 20:00 UTC broadcast and me

It took 12 tries over 3 days for me to finally hear the broadcast, one to West Africa on 9800 kHz. I found the experience interesting, and the final capture exciting. I shot a video from the broadcast (much of the rest of the time the signal was poorer).

[For a much better recording, skip to the end of this article.]

Music 4 Joy on a Tecsun PL-660 with wire antenna

There were several interesting offshoots from the exercise. First, I got to compare the sensitivity of four of my “good radios,” the Tecsun PL-660, PL-330, XHDATA D-808 and Eton Elite Executive (this was before my PL-880 arrived). The PL-660 was the best, but the others worked OK after the signal strengthened. The radios were outdoors where I could compare my 2o ft. WUT (wire up tree) antenna to an indoor radio connected to an outdoors MLA-30+. The radios connected to the MLA-30+ didn’t receive the station, which makes me want to examine why that happened. I also tried a 2nd tier radio, the XHDATA D-109, that didn’t get the station at all. I also learned that it’s easier to hear a weak station when you know what to listen for, and learned that a station that’s inaudible at one moment, might just appear later.

I went outside this morning to try to receive the 13:00 UTC broadcast on 17670 kHz. It was there, again faintly, but growing in strength over time. I started with the PL-660, knowing exactly what to listen for. I saw this as an opportunity to rate another radio on this cooperating weak signal, my Tecsun R-9700DX, also a dual conversion analog receiver but with an analog tuning dial instead of a digital readout. Careful tuning located the signal — not as strong as the PL-660 — but still clearly there. The comparison is no surprise since the PL-660 is rated the more sensitive receiver. As a result, my respect for for the R-9700DX has improved a bit. I also tried the XHDATA D-109 one more time and this time I had a bit of success. What I found is that the radio mutes a very weak signal, so if it’s not strong enough there’s nothing, but the signal popped up from time to time.

M4J on 17670 kHz at 13:32 UTC

This is the kind of challenge I enjoy.

Before I received the station myself, I heard it on the Upper Bavarian Forest WebSDR in Germany.

[Update] Best ever reception on June 6 of the Far East broadcast on 17,670. Here it is on the PL-660 and PL-880.

Music 4 Joy on 17,670 – PL-660 and PL-880

About Kevin

Just an old guy with opinions that I like to bounce off other people.
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One Response to Music (?) 4 Joy

  1. Jeremy J. says:

    Thanks for the catch, I too live too far west to catch their broadcasts with an RTL-SDR dongle, but I’ve managed to catch their digital broadcasts (in the Digital Radio Mondiale standard) via a Kiwi-SDR radio in Spain at 11615 kHz and 13730 kHz. Their digital broadcasts last an hour just like their analog broadcasts but they also include some pictures (sketches as far as I can tell) and five jokes via the Journaline system. I’m not sure what the purpose of the music broadcasts are… they don’t leave any descriptive text.

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