Updating the LiJiANi Rd239 radio firmware

I bought my LiJiANi Rd239 in November of 2023, with Version 2.8 firmware. Prior to November, the radios had V2.7, and now in December, I’ve learned it’s 2.9!

I emailed the address in the user guide and they sent me the 2.9 release notes and firmware update with this warning:

Be careful when upgrading. If you cannot completely copy the upgrade file to the RD239, the radio may become bricked. There have been two cases. Please test the TF card before upgrading to ensure that the TF card is intact.

I plugged a 16G card into my computer and ran the check disk utility, then following the instructions provided in email:

  1. The firmware update was compressed in a .rar file, a file that Windows 11 can handle. The uncompressed file is RD-239.upd. I copied that to the root directory of my micro SD card and verified the file size on the card equaled the uncompressed file size on my computer. There were a few other files on the card.
  2. I used Windows Eject on the card to make sure it was ready to be umounted.
  3. With the radio off I installed the card in the radio, making sure it was fully inserted and stable.
  4. The radio was turned on, and the MODE button pressed to play files.
  5. The radio displayed uPd for about 4 seconds, blinked, and displayed uPd briefly again. The radio then displayed the clock and turned off.

And that worked. Now, for example, one can set the duration that the backlight stays on between 5 and 20 seconds.

I turned pressed the MODE button again later without realizing that the firmware update file was still on the TF card. Nothing happened. I assume that the radio checked the update version and determined that it was already installed.

Here are the V2.9 release notes:

Update (no pun intended)

LiJiANi customer support sent me firmware Version 3.0 this morning (December 19) that includes one feature that I asked for, 100 kHz stepping on FM. Yea! Installation went smoothly. The software archive included an updated Version 3.0 manual that says:

The software is still being optimized. Currently (2023.12.12) the software is updated to V3.0. If you need to know the latest version and download the software, please contact customer service ZL393688798@Foxmail.com

About Kevin

Just an old guy with opinions that I like to bounce off other people.
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8 Responses to Updating the LiJiANi Rd239 radio firmware

  1. Richie Phillips says:

    I followed all the procedures to the letter and mine bricked. I would not recommend updating unless you absolutely want to roll the dice.

  2. Kevin says:

    The company told me that there is no way to check the firmware version.

  3. Tom P says:

    How do you check the firmware version? I couldn’t find anything in the little pamplet.

  4. Kevin says:

    They don’t send a link, but rather include it as an attachment to the email reply.

  5. Patricia G says:

    Thanks. I got SD card and need the link to the software. I emailed the email given and haven’t gotten an answer.

  6. Rupe says:

    Thanks for the info, Kevin. I haven’t done this upgrade yet, so it’s handy to see what the upgrades are like this. Cheers.

  7. Rupe says:

    I believe that was already corrected in V2.8, Pat, although it also needs to be long-press SET and set to 50kHZ or 100kHZ?…i can’t remember which now, and it eliminates it.

  8. Pat G says:

    I understand this procedure will help correct the bleed over onto the VHF channel. Is this true?

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