Visiting New Zealand – Part 2

Yes, there is more to the “Visiting New Zealand” story than just pointing the shortwave radio at the distant target.

Part 2 of the story goes the other way, taking the radio to New Zealand and finding out what I can pick up from there — maybe even an elusive station in the United States! CFRX in Toronto is probably too much to hope for. I’ll definitely shoot for WWVH! I hope WRMI will be back on the air soon (currently shut down for Hurricane Milton).

I’ve selected the radio for the trip, the experienced traveler Tecsun PL-330. It’s lightweight, demodulates SSB, and covers the entire shortwave spectrum. It also has modest power requirements. I didn’t decide on my Qodosen DX-286 mostly because it’s heavier and I don’t like taking 18650 batteries on airplanes.

I’ll expand the story as it happens.

In New Zealand

The travel schedule hasn’t given me much time for shortwave, but I did take a shot in Rotarua on the southern island. One station I had little success with was Radio New Zealand. WWVH in Hawaii was a solid signal, and I got a booming signal from Radio Exterior de España. I also received Republic of Yemen Radio and a very weak signal from WMLK in Bethany PA. The most interesting catch was VOLMET aviation weather 07:53 UTC on 6679 USB.

VOLMET Auckland, New Zealand
Republic Yemen Radio 11935 kHz 2010 UTC

Today I’m in Queenstown and I hope for some listening tomorrow.

Arghhh! The city is surrounded by mountains! So I went part way up the mountain on a gondola ride. I picked up Radio Exterior de España, Radio Romania and WMRI in Okeechobee, Florida (not in English).

WRMI, Okeechobee, Florida, 15770 at 22:32 UTC (midday)

OK. One final try. My hotel has a balcony ang it’s 9:32 PM local time (08:33 UTC). I would expect a lot of radio noise.

Not much, WWVH on 10 MHz, WBCQ and Radio France International.

About Kevin

Just an old guy with opinions that I like to bounce off other people.
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2 Responses to Visiting New Zealand – Part 2

  1. Paul Steckler says:

    Will you be visiting both the North and South Islands?

    Have you practiced the haka?

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