Does Lightning Strike Twice?

I hear lots of folks say “I’ve never won anything”. I can’t say that because a few years back, I ate at the Wendy’s Restaurant on Haywood Road. With nothing better to do while I ate, I filled out an entry form to win a “Dr. Pepper” bicycle. I was more than a little surprised when they called me up to say that I had won. Here is a picture of me on the bike.

Today I got a letter in the mail from the Sorrento Cheese company saying that I had won a grand prize in their “Win a Schwinn Bike at Ingles” contest. It appears that I bought some Sorrento Cheese with my Ingles Advantage Card and was automatically entered in the contest.

Lightning does strike twice (allow 4-6 weeks for delivery).

About Kevin

Just an old guy with opinions that I like to bounce off other people.
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One Response to Does Lightning Strike Twice?

  1. VirginiB says:

    I think some people ARE luckier than others, but 2 bikes in a row?! And you didn’t even know you’d entered the contest the second time? I won my first contest back in March ’05 – scrapbooking a recipe for McCormick spices… but I sort of had the attitude that “I’m going to win this!” And I did. Had a lot of paperwork to filll out… but I did win my trip.

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