Author Archives: Kevin

About Kevin

Just an old guy with opinions that I like to bounce off other people.

Incoming Radio! Qodosen SR-286

If all goes well, I’ll be receiving a Qodosen SR-286 (aka Xiaoqiang SR-286) radio mid-February from AliExpress. I learned about it from RadioJayAllen’s review and it pushed a few of my buttons. First off, the SR-286 is small: 128 x … Continue reading

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Visiting McGrath, Alaska

I’ve been taking surveys for the YouGov polling company for some years now (you can sign up here) and for the past year or so at least one poll a week asks the question, “What did you do last weekend?” … Continue reading

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Thinking About the New XHDATA D-608WB

Disclaimer: I am testing a presale version of the radio provided to me by XHDATA in exchange for helping them improve the user manual. I am under no obligation to review the radio online, much less say nice things about … Continue reading

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Antenna + ground

When I was a young shortwave listener 56 years ago, I had a Lafayette KT-340 desktop radio with connectors on the back for an antenna and a ground. I always hooked up my 75-foot long wire to the ANT post … Continue reading

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Semier SM-838: Review before donation

OK, I had to have a radio under the Christmas tree, and as the last thing I really needed for Christmas was another radio, I went to the bottom of the barrel for this Semier SM-838 at the sale/coupon price … Continue reading

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When I write a review of a radio for Amazon, I’ll often try to gain credibility by saying “I’ve owned over 100 radios…” and that’s true. I currently have 39 radios (not counting car radios and clock radios). What happened … Continue reading

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Goodbye PL-880

It became obvious some time ago that it made no sense to own both a Tecsun PL-880 and a PL-990 portable shortwave receiver. I knew one of them should go — but which one? The PL-880 had the best speaker … Continue reading

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