Category Archives: Movies

Movies reviews

Star Trek

Saw the new movie, Star Trek. It was very entertaining. While there were a few hat tips to the TV series, the movie didn’t over do it. I was prepared to suspend belief and to go along for the ride. … Continue reading

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Dark Knight

I’ve been fascinated with the Batman character since I was a kid in the ’60s reading every issue of Batman and Detective Comics. Batman is a special kind of super hero, one without magical powers or alien physiology. He relies … Continue reading

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An Inconvenient Question

I went to see the Al Gore movie, An Inconvenient Truth. It’s a very interesting movie and I hope lots of folks will go to see it. I could do with a little less footage of Al Gore riding in … Continue reading

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The Da Vinci Code (the movie)

If you’re read the book, skip the movie. The Da Vinci Code is at its heart a mystery  suspense thriller. If you already know how it all turns out, then there isn’t any mystery and hardly any suspense. The book … Continue reading

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Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

I’m a Harry Potter fan, and I was mortified to learn that the latest HP movie came out without my knowing (I’m in love and have missed several things lately). But on with the review. What we have with the … Continue reading

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The Constant Gardener

Go see this movie. Continue reading

Posted in Movies | 2 Comments

War of the Worlds

This was a very dark and grim movie. And like its 1953 predecessor, it shows up the baser side of human nature along side its spirit to survive. The effects were what one would expect from DreamWorks and Spielberg. Tim … Continue reading

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