Category Archives: Personal

Fixing things

My father, uncle and my grandfather made their livelihood in large part by fixing things. My grandfather had a sign in his store: We fix anything but a broken heart My father was a watchmaker and when I was ready … Continue reading

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Radio nostalgia

Here’s my nostalgia photo from December of 1967. My “radio shack” was a bedroom closet. The Eico signal generator, the Lafayette KT-340 shortwave receiver and the Heath kit IO-21 scope were all built from kits. Sort of in the center … Continue reading

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Some of my best friends are black

A Story of Race and Inheritance I grew up in rural Alabama in the days when George C. Wallace was governor. I actually heard him speak once at my high school football half time. I remember hearing his trademark campaign … Continue reading

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It’s that magical time of the year when the weather turns cool. The oppressive heat and humidity of a South Carolina summer races from experience to remote memory. I never learned enough of the Russian language in College to actually … Continue reading

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How my Mom named me

It’s Mother’s day and I’ve been thinking of my late mother today. She told me that she gave me my name and that it came from a radio soap opera character named Kevin Bromfield. I looked before and couldn’t find … Continue reading

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Not can he rhomboid soybean (take 2)

A few weeks back I wrote a poem, Not Can He Rhomboid Soybean, and posted it on Blog or Die! It was supposed to be a silly thing based on the silly premise of a spammer’s email subject. But it … Continue reading

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Romance after 50

“Romance after 50” is a phrase my ex-wife used while talking about her boyfriend. We had been married for many years after the passion in our marriage had died. I don’t think either of us really thought that there could … Continue reading

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