Category Archives: Personal

Not can he rhomboid soybean

Yup, that’s the title of an email I got today: “Not can he rhomboid soybean”. Pretty darned smart spammers. Who would resist opening an email with that title? Bet ya can’t say “rhomboid soybean” three times real fast. [Edited to … Continue reading

Posted in Personal | 3 Comments

Many are Called but Few are Chosen

I had jury duty this week. They summoned a pool of 150 jurors plus 15 people who transferred in from other court sessions. All the cases were settled out of court save one. They picked a jury of 12 plus … Continue reading

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Hybrid-Electric Vehicle

I got a 2004 Toyota Prius. I would rather gotten a US-built car, but nobody in the US is making a small hybrid-electric car. The new Ford is an SUV. I really like this car! I’m getting 50-something MPG. If … Continue reading

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