Category Archives: Politics

November surprise

But I would like to coin another phrase, the “November surprise”, meaning an event suppressed until after the election that if it had been known before the election would have persuaded voters to vote differently. Continue reading

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I need a cookie

The day after the election is not a good day. Continue reading

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DAVNET.ORG Endorses Inez Tenenbaum for US Senate

This was a no-brainer, considering Jim DeMint’s nut case right-wing ideas. For example, anthough denying support for a National Sales Tax in his first debate with Tenenbaum, he actually was a sponsor of HR 25, the National Retail Sales Tax … Continue reading

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Higher Standards

What kind of business would you want your country, the worlds only surviving superpower, to be? We should have higher standards. Continue reading

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High Impact Voting for Nader

A lot of us think Ralph Nader is saying some important things. Nonetheless, Nader isn’t going to get but 1% or 2% of the presidential vote, and that’s not going to make a great impact, and it’s not going to … Continue reading

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What do I think about Abortion?

I was teaching my Church & State lesson to the high school Sunday School class and we were going along pretty well. We looked at the Constitution and the Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3) and talked about Charitable Choice and Bush’s … Continue reading

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Anti-Kerry Smear Campaign caught with pants down

It’s “he said”, “she said” with the Swift Boat folks; it depends on who you believe. But this is not the case with another anti-Kerry war record smear. Here is one that’s an outright lie and you can verify it … Continue reading

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