Category Archives: Politics

Church and State II

I learn new stuff all the time. Last week I was informed by my high school Sunday School class that the public high school they attend has a prayer rally every morning around the flag pole in front of the … Continue reading

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Kevin 2.0 Kinder and gentler

I’ve been over on the PBS Forums for the Bill Moyers NOW program and the political discussion gets pretty snotty, and I’ve been a little snotty too. I need to settle down to my normal, level, turn away wrath replies.

Posted in General, Politics, Religion | 2 Comments

Kerry leads polls in battleground states

Today’s Washington Times newspaper ran a summary of the polls in 15 battleground states. Some states had one poll and some states had several showing the various candidates leading in different states. I assigned a state to a candidate if … Continue reading

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Nice friendly web site

I found this nice friendly web site that just made me feel so nice and relaxed.

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Church and State

People argue that there is no doctrine of “separation between church and state” in the US Constitution. To me that is a fight over the right to use labels, not over substance. Continue reading

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Mining Outrage

Someone interviewing Bill O’Reilly asked him about his journalism style of “mining outrage”. O’Reilly’s answer was not memorable, but the term was. It’s evident that outrage is contagious. Somebody says something using the language of outrage on a blog, or … Continue reading

Posted in General, Politics | 1 Comment

Jesus was a Liberal

I was born and raised conservative and fundamentalists I even have a thank you letter for my support from George C. Wallace. I still live in the deep South. Yet the more I study the Bible, the more I worship … Continue reading

Posted in Politics, Religion | 4 Comments