Category Archives: Politics

Florida voted for more severe hurricanes?

I really feel for the folks in Florida who have been pounded by 4 serious hurricanes (and those in Alabama where my folks are still cleaning up). But if they, and the rest of the country, elect George W Bush … Continue reading

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Terrorists For Bush

There was an interesting piece on NPR this afternoon. They interviewed a couple of analysts who study Al Queda and other radical Islamist web sites, posing the question whether the terrorists expressed a preference for one presidential candidate or another … Continue reading

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Surprised by the Debate

The debate totally surprised me. Both candidates directly answered most of the questions. There was a fair amount of substance. I think Bush started a bit fuzzy, but ended up quite strong. There were a few factual contradictions that I … Continue reading

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Three good things about George Bush

Ok, this is a serious question. Here’s your opportunity to help raise my opinion of George W Bush. List three things George W. Bush has done that you think are good and noteworthy. Just so that you don’t waste time … Continue reading

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Bush attack against the unborn

Bush is against abortion, but generally his policies are an attack on the unborn. Here are the issues that will be important to our children. Nuclear Proliferation. Probably one of the greatest threats to the next generation is nuclear proliferation. … Continue reading

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New Political Realignment

I suggest a new political alignment in the US, and perhaps the Bush branch of the Republican Party is already trying to do this. Rather than having Conservatives vs Liberals, how about the “moderates” vs the “Yahoos”? Over the last … Continue reading

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Compassionate whatever

The results are in. George W gave a higher percentage of his income to charity than I did. Neither of us tithe. Bush and I both gave the majority of our contributions to churches, while Kerry gave a lot to … Continue reading

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