Category Archives: Politics

The Lockbox is Empty

I seem to remember something the candidates were saying in the last presidential election about putting Social Security money in a “lockbox”. Well, the box is empty; all the money in the Social Security trust fund has all been loaned … Continue reading

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Bush Tax Cuts

There’s been much talk about the Republican tax cuts “for the rich”. What is that exactly? In the United States there are about 140 million taxpayers. The top 1% would be 1.4 million people. The average annual income of those … Continue reading

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Politics and Religion

The latest book I’m reading is One Electorate Under God: A Dialogue on Religion & American Politics Brookings Institution Press, 2004. Based on some of the essays in the book, it appears that some evangelical Christians believe that liberals want … Continue reading

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George or Saddam

If George and Saddam were running for President of the US, which one would I vote for? George But I had to think about it for a minute.

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Swiftboats, cocaine and the National Guard

I don’t care all that much whether George W. Bush used cocaine at Camp David or not. We all know he’s had a substance abuse problem sometime in the past. That doesn’t mean someone can’t be President. But I’m glad … Continue reading

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Visceral Dislike

I have a visceral dislike for George W. Bush (me and a few million other people). I’ve been wondering why that is. Exactly what’s got me, a person who tries to see the best in others, in such a negative … Continue reading

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I’ve been reading the book Bushworld by Maureen Dowd. It’s my first “Bush bashing” book. I didn’t think much of it. It was mostly snide and catty. I prefer my books more serious. Maureen’s much more engaging in person.

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