Category Archives: Politics

Bush excuse

I try to put the best face on what people do. So what’s George Bush’s excuse? Rather than assigning him evil motives, a better face would be that he’s just inept. For example, there’s that weapons of mass destruction thing. … Continue reading

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Bush and Hitler?

I heard on TV that somebody had written something comparing George Bush with Adolf Hitler. Sounds pretty far out. I wondered what they might have been thinking and asked myself if I saw any differences or similarities. The obvious difference … Continue reading

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Lies, Damn Lies, and Politics

“Swiftboat veterans for truth”. This ad hoc group is airing political ads, ads amplified a hundredfold by media re-broadcasting. The best information I have right now is that the ads are lies. So let’s say that 90% of the people … Continue reading

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South Carolina Vote

I thought that I would decide who to vote for after the televised democratic debate in Greenville, SC. I actually walked down to see the crowds around the debate hall and got a fairly close look at John Kerry as … Continue reading

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US Presidential Election 2004

I watched the Iowa presidential debate, January 4. Impressive. But I got totally disgusted with Joe Lieberman, the way he twisted things to attack Dean. I consider this unethical, and that makes Lieberman not qualified for a public trust like … Continue reading

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The Most Dangerous Channel in America

Boy I really got bent out of shape yesterday, listening to Bill O’Reilly (The O’Reilly Factor) on FoxNews, when he made his commentary on the ACLU, calling it “the most dangerous organization in America”. Lots of years ago, I was … Continue reading

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The Most Dangerous Organization in America

Yesterday Bill O’Reilly (The O’Reilly Factor on the Fox News TV channel) said that the ACLU was the “most dangerous organization in America”. In his commentary he included these three points: 1. What the ACLU does is legal 2. The … Continue reading

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