Category Archives: Politics

Natural born Citizen

With this odd fellow we elected President has come discussion about the Constitutional requirements for being President, and in particular that pesky little phrase “natural born citizen.” There are some very long (and some long-winded) discussions about that this means. … Continue reading

Posted in Educational Reports, Obama Citizenship Denial | 50 Comments


Yesterday’s article at Media Matters said: Media pick up where they left off 8 years ago To anyone who lived through the media feeding frenzy of the 1990s, during which the nation’s leading news organizations spent the better part of … Continue reading

Posted in Politics | 14 Comments

Berg’s Ingenuous Offer

According to WorldNetDaily, “[Attorney Philip J.] Berg has since challenged Obama publicly that if the candidate will simply produce authorized proof of citizenship, he’ll drop the suit.” Having no success in the courts, and getting no publicity in the mainstream … Continue reading

Posted in Obama Citizenship Denial | 9 Comments

The Assassination of Chester A. Arthur

Obama Citizenship Denial folks say Barack Obama can’t be president because his father was a British citizen, not an American citizen. That particular presidential requirement was a new one on me! I speculated that surely there could be among all … Continue reading

Posted in Educational Reports, Obama Citizenship Denial, Politics | 9 Comments

United States v. Blog

I have been fascinated for a long time with the fact that there are groups of people who firmly believe one thing and other groups that firmly believe the opposite thing. I’m not talking about religion or philosophy, but rather … Continue reading

Posted in General, Politics | 29 Comments

Another One Bites the Dust

One by one, the lawsuits against Barack Obama’s citizenship are being refused by the courts. In a ruling without comment published today, the Supreme Court of the United States called strike three on Leo C. Donofrio’s lawsuit. Wrotnowski is dead … Continue reading

Posted in Obama Citizenship Denial, Politics | 4 Comments

Is this a constitutional crisis or just a bunch of nuts?

Being one of those liberals, you know I drive a hybrid vehicle (and have since 2004). is a web site for Prius owners, but somebody posted the question there which is the title of this article. After slogging through … Continue reading

Posted in Obama Citizenship Denial | 23 Comments