Category Archives: Politics

OCD Crowd’s Next Gambit

The forensic document experts were exposed as impostors and incompetents. The Hawaiian foreign birth registration law, Hawaiian Homelands Act, and rules about altered birth certificates not being so marked have all been shown bogus. Attempts to redefine “natural born citizen” … Continue reading

Posted in Obama Citizenship Denial, Politics | 7 Comments

OCD Links

As much as for my use as yours, I’m maintaining a list of web links useful for the Obama Citizenship Denial controversy. Certificate Denial Refutation Hawaiian Birth Certificate Law Bad Science: How Not To Do Image Analysis Bad Science: How … Continue reading

Posted in Obama Citizenship Denial, Politics | 2 Comments


I had written on these pages (which I will correct as soon as I finish this) that the State of Hawaii had a law that allows Hawaiian residents to register infants born out of state. I cited the law, which … Continue reading

Posted in Obama Citizenship Denial, Politics | 17 Comments

The “Smoking Grandmother”

There are three recordings relating to Barack Obama’s birth on the Internet. Two regard his paternal grandmother in Kenya and one involves the Kenyan Ambassador to the United States. The first grandmother tape is on YouTube. Before you visit the … Continue reading

Posted in Educational Reports, Obama Citizenship Denial, Politics | 10 Comments

OCD and Math Education

I think the persistence of Obama Citizenship Denial (OCD) may be related to the poor state of mathematics education in this country. I do not refer to higher mathematics, or arithmetic, but to the more basic skill of counting. Let … Continue reading

Posted in Obama Citizenship Denial, Politics | 22 Comments

Dr. Ron Polarik’s analysis of Barack Obama’s birth certificate

“Ron Polarik” (not a real name?) published an analysis of the Barack Obama birth certificate and concludes that it is a forgery. (That link has stopped working). [Since I wrote the following article, I ran across a scientific critique of … Continue reading

Posted in Obama Citizenship Denial, Politics | 20 Comments

Poisoning the Well

Poisoning the well (or attempting to poison the well) is a logical fallacy where adverse information about a target is pre-emptively presented to an audience, with the intention of discrediting or ridiculing everything that the target person is about to … Continue reading

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