Category Archives: Politics

Fox News for Stupid People

As a rule I don’t watch Fox News because every time I do, I get insulted. I get insulted because every time, they insult my intelligence by some sort of propaganda track to mislead me. Last night I was waiting … Continue reading

Posted in Bad Commerce, Politics | 15 Comments

Unconvinced by McCain

I watched the McCain RNC acceptance speech on YouTube. It was a masterful and moving speech. McCain has my vote for distinguished American of the year. It was a moving speech and it cast somewhat of a spell over me. … Continue reading

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McCain a Maverick?

They say McCain is a “maverick”. What is a maverick? One definition says: “someone who exhibits great independence in thought and action.” But it’s also An unbranded range animal. One who creates or uses unconventional and/or controversial ideas or practices. Do we … Continue reading

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Palin’s acceptance speech

I watched Palin’s speech on YouTube. Parallels to George Bush come to mind.  They both are from oil states with ties to the oil industry (both ideological and family). Their primary political experience comes from being state governors (Bush 4 … Continue reading

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Good People and Bad People

Scooter Libby broke the law, was tried, convicted and sentenced. George Bush pardoned him and he avoided jail. Did Bush do this because Libby was secretly acting on orders from him, or the Vice President? Possibly, but the expressed reason … Continue reading

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McCain Picks Whats-her-name

It says something to me that Barak Obama picked Joe Biden as his running mate; it says that Obama is not afraid of working with people who have more experience in politics than he, people with independent stature. McCain’s choice … Continue reading

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A Question of Experience

In the 2008 presidential election, I’m sure experience is going to be a big issue. Does putting an inexperienced person in the White House (like for example George W. Bush) automatically lead to an abysmal administration? It’s my opinion, largely … Continue reading

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