Category Archives: Religion

Practical Charity

Two sayings from the Bible, one from John the Baptist and one from Jesus Continue reading

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Jesus Vs Godzilla King of the Monsters

Do you remember that classic 1956 film Godzilla King of the Monsters starring Raymond Burr? Actually Raymond Burr wasn’t in the original Japanese version of the film. Burr was “edited in” to the film along with some ethnic Japanese actors … Continue reading

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Common Ground on Abortion

A number of years back there was an organization called “Common Ground” that got pro-choice and pro-life people together for dialog. From all accounts at the time, it was a very useful dialog between people who routinely demonized each other. … Continue reading

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What do I think about Abortion?

I was teaching my Church & State lesson to the high school Sunday School class and we were going along pretty well. We looked at the Constitution and the Internal Revenue Code 501(c)(3) and talked about Charitable Choice and Bush’s … Continue reading

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Church and State II

I learn new stuff all the time. Last week I was informed by my high school Sunday School class that the public high school they attend has a prayer rally every morning around the flag pole in front of the … Continue reading

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Kevin 2.0 Kinder and gentler

I’ve been over on the PBS Forums for the Bill Moyers NOW program and the political discussion gets pretty snotty, and I’ve been a little snotty too. I need to settle down to my normal, level, turn away wrath replies.

Posted in General, Politics, Religion | 2 Comments

Church and State

People argue that there is no doctrine of “separation between church and state” in the US Constitution. To me that is a fight over the right to use labels, not over substance. Continue reading

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