Category Archives: Religion

Jesus was a Liberal

I was born and raised conservative and fundamentalists I even have a thank you letter for my support from George C. Wallace. I still live in the deep South. Yet the more I study the Bible, the more I worship … Continue reading

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Politics and Religion

The latest book I’m reading is One Electorate Under God: A Dialogue on Religion & American Politics Brookings Institution Press, 2004. Based on some of the essays in the book, it appears that some evangelical Christians believe that liberals want … Continue reading

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Flood of Noah (again)

I don’t think you will find any biblical references that there are no mountain ranges. Indeed, the Bible says just the opposite, that there was a mountain (covered by the flood). However, the Creationists must explain where the masses of … Continue reading

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Is teaching religion in the schools like teaching a foreign language?

One difference is that the US Constitution doesn’t prohibit establishment of a language, but it does religion. I think you and I would agree that it is possible to teach an objective class on world religions and include discussions of … Continue reading

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What is a “Jesus Freak”

I would say that a “Jesus freak” is anyone who is a Christian and appears “too religious” to the person applying the term. When I was in college in the late 60’s, the people we called Jesus freaks carried around … Continue reading

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Is Relgion a survival trait

There are certainly lots of religious-minded people in the world, and in history. If we were discussing the question, “why do people have eyebrows”, a scientist might suggest that it was a survival trait. There are religious people. Is having … Continue reading

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Jerry Falwell is the anti-christ

No, it’s not Bill. Jerry Falwell is the anti-christ and Pat Robertson is the beast. Now I am dead serious when I say this. I was watching Jerry Falwell on TV and God gave me a vision; Jerry turned into … Continue reading

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