Category Archives: Religion

God is male?

The LOGOS was not male (indeed Wisdom is arguably female), so the Incarnation as a male is an accident, not essence. Continue reading

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Where did religion come from

I do not think that humankind posited gods to make themselves feel more important. Certainly in Judaeo-Christian tradition, humans are incorrigible sinners, fallen and generally a disappointment to their creator. Or as put by the prophet: (Isa 55:9 KJV) For … Continue reading

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The drama of Job

The author of Job wished to examine the question of “why do good people suffer”? Continue reading

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Church Burnings

The topic of church burnings has been a difficult one partly because many remain unsolved. But here in South Carolina, if you burn a church, you will more than likely get caught. Two members of the KKK plead guilty to … Continue reading

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Original Sin

I got nailed by my Sunday School class yesterday. It happened like this… I was doing my part-time duty teaching Adult Sunday school and we were studying Psalm 51. When we got to the verse “in sin did my mother … Continue reading

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Who started the INQUISITIONS?

Heh, you can’t fool me. That’s a trick question. The answer depends on *WHICH* inquisition you mean. But to give a general answer: Often at the instigation of secular rulers, bishops were urged to investigate and deal locally with heretics, … Continue reading

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Somebody called me a “part-time atheist” because (I presume) that I post articles which do not support the doctrine of biblical inerrancy. There is a rather strong stereotype among some atheists that all Christians are anti-science, blind-faith, literalists, inerrantists and … Continue reading

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