Category Archives: Religion

Inerrant point to ponder

Just a point to ponder. A rather curious verse appears in Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians (7:25). Paul says: What follows is not from God. It is my own opinion. Now if the Bible is indeed INERRANT then Paul … Continue reading

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Life on Mars

Personally, I’ve always thought that it was likely that there was life elsewhere. If God created the universe and life in specific, it would seem strange to me to make such a BIG universe to be populated only in one … Continue reading

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Origins of the Universe – Big Bang

Maybe God was working on a pipe bomb and it went off. Continue reading

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Reconstructing Sodom

The ancient Hebrew, confronted with the fact that Sodom was destroyed (earthquake and fire), wondered “what did those people do to be punished like that?” As Beduins, they would consider being inhospitable to a stranger a very bad thing. And … Continue reading

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Biblical Inerrancy – problem 1

Let me try to draw an analogy between scriptural interpretation and mathematics (since that is where my training lies). The mathematics that we are most familiar with (that of the Real Numbers) relies on 13 postulates of the Complete Ordered … Continue reading

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Old wives’ tales

I think that St. Paul understood that following laws for their own sake is anathema for the Christian, and so he mentions over and over again that much of the external lawkeeping is only valuable so as not to harm … Continue reading

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Hasty words

I’m sure you know, however, that USENET is full of provocative questions, and I’m the first to admit that SOME things I read on USENET go right to the anger center of my brain. That good ‘ole righteous wrath juice … Continue reading

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