Category Archives: Autonomous Vehicles

Tesla Autopilot vs. Farm Machinery

Tesla Autopilot is still described as “Beta” because the human driver has to maintain vigilance to ensure safety. I don’t usually share my Autopilot outtake videos in public, but this one is interesting in pointing out one of the challenges … Continue reading

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As the Tesla Turns

I didn’t think my Tesla Autopilot was supposed to make turns at intersections yet (firmware 2019.8.5), but it did.

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Tesla Autopilot gets 5-Star insurance rating

My insurance carrier, State Farm, offers the “Drive Safe and Save ™” program that rates driving, and offers discounts for good driving. It works using a “beacon” installed in the car, essentially an accelerometer paired with your mobile phone. It … Continue reading

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Tesla Autopilot evolution and driver supervision

I’ve enjoyed Tesla Enhanced Autopilot on my Tesla Model 3, including the new Navigate on Autopilot feature. Autopilot requires human supervision, or else something bad is likely to happen. I believe that the combination of Autopilot and a human driver … Continue reading

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Tesla Autopilot

I think a lot about Tesla’s Autopilot, every time I drive, and when I comment on the Internet. I have some things I want to say to potential users. Autopilot doesn’t drive your car; Autopilot helps you drive your car. … Continue reading

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