Category Archives: Electric vehicles

Anticipation — An autonomous vehicle story

It’s Monday and this Friday, according to Elon Musk, the long-anticipated “Request Button” is supposed to start rolling out to the Tesla fleet. The button requests access to Tesla’s Full Self-Driving Beta, something that up to now only existed on … Continue reading

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Tesla Full Self-Driving Computer

Tesla called. My 2018 Model 3 was manufactured about 8 months before Tesla started including the Full Self-Driving (FSD) computer in all its cars. Those of us who bought the FSD Capability option are entitled to an upgrade. My car … Continue reading

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Tesla voice commands

Tesla cars had a few voice commands, and a promise from Elon Musk that one day, almost everything could be controlled by voice. Well, Merry Christmas! I was originally planning to compile a list of commands, but (silly me) a … Continue reading

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The Tesla “Dog Mode” bug story

It’s all over the Internet: Tesla’s “Dog Mode” has a serious bug; it doesn’t work if the AC fan is set to manual. One headline said “Musk vows to fix.” But is there really such a bug? Dog Mode is … Continue reading

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Tesla Navigate on Autopilot

I’m returned from my 5,000-mile Model 3 road trip, which gave me a great deal of time to think about Tesla Autopilot as I supervised it across the US and back. Technically NoA works as designed most of the time. … Continue reading

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The Great American Model 3 Road Trip

I’d never taken a trip this long, over 5,000 miles across the United States from Virginia to Idaho, Yellowstone, Denver and back. But it seemed like an adventure, and I figured that Tesla Autopilot would do most of the driving. … Continue reading

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Tesla Autopilot vs. Farm Machinery

Tesla Autopilot is still described as “Beta” because the human driver has to maintain vigilance to ensure safety. I don’t usually share my Autopilot outtake videos in public, but this one is interesting in pointing out one of the challenges … Continue reading

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