Can I guess your password?

I probably could. Just give me a few billion guesses. Web sites that you log into don’t store your password; they use some cryptographic technique to store a scrambled version of it. When you log in, they scramble the password you enter the same way and compare the scrambled versions. If they match, you’re in.

The problem is lots of those scrambled passwords aren’t stored using the best technology available, and there are huge passwords lists available on the Internet so that someone can start guessing. Even an 8-character password can be guessed through brute force.

Good passwords are nigh impossible to remember, and it’s tough to keep it all straight. What some folks do (myself included sometimes) is to use one password for multiple web sites and services. That means that if your weak scrambled password gets out, then every log in using that same password is now open for identity thieves, email spammers and other malicious actors.

There are a couple of solutions. One of them is to use a scheme whereby you make up passwords that you can remember. Security expert Bruce Schneier has one of those. I use something like Schneier’s approach for my Facebook password and a couple of others, but the best approach for me is to use a password manager. There are several around. These programs use strong encryption to store your passwords, and they can create strong random passwords for you to use. I use one called KeePass, but there are others. One nice thing about KeePass is that you can put the software on a flash drive or a cloud drive, and run it from there. It’s not necessary to install the program on your computer. There are versions for Windows, iOS and Android.

It seems like there are security breaches and hacks happening with increasing frequency. More and more of our data goes online. I do what I can to keep it secure.

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I feel like I’m being followed

I posted a message last year on the Tesla forum about an upcoming round trip of about 200 miles and whether I could make it on my then Model S 60 in Winter. The consensus was that I’d have to find some charging solution at my destination. Shortly before the trip, Tesla opened its Supercharger in my destination of Columbia, SC. Problem solved.

My next challenge was a round trip to Birmingham, AL. Again, I was going to have to find some local charging solution that was going to be very inconvenient. But a month before the trip, Tesla opened its Supercharger in Birmingham.

So a couple weeks ago, I was visiting family in Martinsburg, WV. Now with my Model S upgraded to 75 kWh, this round trip was fairly easy, but still if I drove a lot at my destination I’d have to find some charging. When I got there, I was greeted with “Oh, did you know they’ve built a new Supercharger here in Martinsburg?” It’s not on Tesla’s map, but the station is physically complete (photo following), but wasn’t online. I’ll be back there often.

Now I have several likely trips coming up to Charlottesville, VA. Last time I went there, charging was messy. I had to use some 120 V AC charging, and then for an unexpected side trip I had a 20 minute drive to get to Martin Horn Inc. to charge at his solar-powered HPWC, with a long sit in the car. On another trip there I had a long sit in the car at a Nissan dealership in the middle of the night. Guess what Supercharger is under construction now?

[Update: 9/23/2017] The Charlottesville Supercharger is complete, and I charged there this week.

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Habitat tablet

So I was out on the Habitat build site in Greenville today, using my Habitat tablet computer. As you can see from the photo, it sports a 7” diagonal screen and has a convenient kick stand. You can write on it with the optional stylus, shown.

It is extremely useful for database applications, such as storing dimensions for construction. It can be used with windows.

Photo of Scrap piece of drip edge with carpenter's pencil

Check out some of my other Habitat photos.

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Don’t order online from Pizza Inn

I get email offers from Pizza Inn from time to time, and some of the coupons are pretty good. Today I clicked to order online and the order for two pizzas was $3 more than what it said on the coupon. I thought it was an online glitch and that the store would charge me the amount on the coupon.

Wrong. There is a hidden charge of $1.50 per item ordered that they tack onto the order. Nowhere do they disclose the charge that I can find, nor is it detailed when you print out order. All it says is that your $8.99 pizza costs $10.49. In fact, the Terms and Conditions explicitly says that there are no fees for ordering online

6. Fees Schedule

QuikOrder does not add any fees or costs to your order when you place an order or use this site.

I can’t blame this on the restaurant because the web site added the $1.50 fee—there was no discrepancy between the online price and what the restaurant charged.

To add insult to injury, when I got home, what I got wasn’t what I ordered (too spicy pepperoni instead of pineapple). I was too bothered by the overcharge at the store to check the order carefully.

I call it fraud.

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My new car

What? You only bought a new car in September!

I upgraded my Model S 60 to a Model S 75 “over the air.” I paid some money and my old car turned into a different model. It took about 10 minutes. The car’s range increased by 39 miles, and the top speed increased from 130 to 140.

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Got my 15 minutes of fame

Kevin with Model S High ResI’ve been trying to identify exactly what my personal “15 minutes of fame” has been. I have a new candidate, only this one is limited to Japan. Late last year Toyoki Nakanishi, a reporter from The Nikkei, the leading Japanese business daily publication, came to South Carolina to interview me about switching from a Prius to an all-electric Tesla Model S. Nikkei had seen my article here titled “Prius to Tesla Transition.” We had a nice talk, and the reporter took a photo of me and my car. I gathered that the focus of the article is the disruption in the auto industry that will be caused by the change to electric vehicles.

The article was published in Nikkei on January 5 past. The article itself is behind a paywall, and it is only in Japanese. Nevertheless the photo, reproduced above, was a very nice one and I have my 15 minutes of fame.

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A radical solution to my data problem

My doctor told me to get more exercise, and so now I walk a couple of miles a day. I usually do it about 4 pm when “All Things Considered” is on NPR. There’s an app for that and I can stream the program or other NPR content while I’m walking, through my mobile phone’s data plan.

Today I looked at my mobile data usage for the month, and at the current rate I’ll use all my data allotment (I have a small plan) plus the rollover from last month, and next month I would go over. That’s a problem.

Then I had a radical, thinking out of the box idea to reduce my data usage: use a radio!

This little radio is about the size of a pack of playing cards and it fits in my shirt pocket. I get stereo with headphones. It uses rechargeable batteries, and it was just wasting space on the shelf. I reviewed the PL-118 radio on this blog in 2011 and you can read it for more information.

I tried it out today, and it worked great. It didn’t have any of those annoying gaps or replayed sections that plague the TuneIn app. A radio is a rather elegant solution for listening to radio. 😳

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