Model S: My first service visit–planning

Every couple of weeks when I turn on the car I get a message that says: “Driver assistance features not available” and none of the Autopilot features work. The condition lasts for the duration of the trip. The message also says to call Tesla if the condition persists, and after 6 incidents, I called Tesla. Eventually they diagnosed the problem remotely from the vehicle’s extensive logging data and determined that the Autopilot camera needs to be replaced.

If this had been my old Toyota Prius, I would have just shown up at the dealership 5.6 miles from my house first thing the next morning, and waited until it was fixed. If the repair extended through lunch, I would have walked half a mile to one of several restaurants or gone shopping. If they didn’t have the part, I’d have to wait an extra day. With Tesla it’s a little more complicated.

Some Tesla owners report online that non-critical repairs like mine take a long time to schedule. In my particular case, the earliest repair appointment was just a week out. My schedule was the limiting factor this time and so the repair is set in two weeks. Instead of 5.6 miles, the nearest Tesla service center is 94.9 miles, and the trip takes an hour and 45 minutes, not considering rush-hour traffic in Charlotte, NC. Right now Google Maps shows 17 traffic incidents on the route between me and the service center. 😯

The distance to the service center presents an opportunity to discuss a common situation,  an 189.8-mile round trip in Winter in a car that gets 210 rated miles of range in normal weather. The chart below is for a Tesla Model S 70D. It’s in a fact-filled article from the Union of Concerned Scientists: “Do Electric Cars Work in Cold Weather? Get the Facts….”

Tesla Model S 70D highway (65mph) range as a function temperature. Because of its larger battery pack and more efficient thermal management system, the Tesla retains nearly 200 miles of range at 0 degrees Fahrenheit. Data as reported on Tesla Motors website.
Tesla Model S 70D highway (65mph) range as a function temperature. Because of its larger battery pack and more efficient thermal management system, the Tesla retains nearly 200 miles of range at 0 degrees Fahrenheit. Data as reported on Tesla Motors website.

I don’t know now what the weather will be like on December 27 [Update: the weather forecast says it will be 43 degrees at 7 am, about the time I will leave home. My Garage will be in the upper 50’s I think.], but presuming it will  be come kind of cold, I think a fair estimate of my range would be 85% or 178 miles, short of what I need for the round trip. Let me hasten to add that this range shortfall is not a big deal. Some amount of charging will be added to the car at the Tesla service center, and there is also a Tesla Supercharger in Charlotte. (Some Tesla models with a larger battery could make this trip easily without charging.) But let’s approach the question more generally and talk a little about trip planning.

Trip planning

There are useful resources for planning a trip. A number of Tesla trip planners exist on the web today:

Each of these websites allows you to put in travel destinations, and gives you routing; they will estimate how long the trip will take, how much charging you need to do and where. Unfortunately, they all have their quirks. A Better Routeplanner, for example, attempts to minimize driving + charging time rather than just driving time. It’s a cool idea, but the Model S 60 has a completely different charging profile than other Tesla cars, and as a result A Better Routeplanner gives sub-optimal routes for the 60. [Update: ABT has been updated to work  correctly with the S 60.] EV Trip Planner, the most used, can’t distinguish between the old S 60 and the new S 60, and as a result presents incorrect charging time estimates. EVTripping worked best for me in the past, actually having an option to specify a new S 60 car, but it errs by underestimating charging time. All three are still under development and may improve in the future.

There is another route planner, and it’s built into the car. At the current version of Tesla firmware, I think it’s the one I’d choose to rely on. It’s limitation is that waypoints can’t be specified and you can only start the route from the car’s actual location. When I gave it the service center location, it estimated that I would arrive back home with 0% charge.

One of my guilty pleasures is watching Bjørn Nyland videos on YouTube. Bjørn is a Tesla owner in Norway who is actually making a living creating videos and delivering stuff around Norway in his Tesla. Trip planning is a  frequent topic in the video series as he travels around Norway and beyond, and it is interesting to see how he approaches the problem. He uses the car trip planner to estimate the  range needed, and then adds to the needed range things like elevation, temperature, precipitation, speed, cargo load, road conditions and wind. Some of the other trip planners let you specify some of those, but none compensate for all. Some planners work in the car web browser and some don’t.

This brings up a problem with some of the trip planners: you don’t know what factors they are considering. For example, A Better Routeplanner considers current temperature, but you wouldn’t know that just looking at it. EV Trip Planner is the most transparent and comprehensive of the trip planning solutions, but it doesn’t consider precipitation and road conditions (wet, snow).

Bjørn has developed some rules of thumb that he uses to compute the range he will need, and uses a trusty pocket calculator to do the arithmetic. He got those rules from experience, and I believe that I need to start recording details about my trips so I can see how conditions actually affect my car, and what my real range is.

Elevation seems to be the most difficult to compute. The energy required to climb a hill is simple physics, but in real life one goes up and down hills in between start and destination. The car recovers (regenerates) energy coming downhill, but not all of it. I don’t have an authoritative number, but I’d say the total loss is around 40%. EV Trip Planner says the total up and down between here and Charlotte is 3940 feet (but the net is only –171 feet!) and I need 115 rated miles.


They estimate that the repair will take 3 hours. My appointment is at 9AM and I’ll try to be on the road by 7. I don’t know how much charge I’ll get at the service center, so I’ll plan a swing around to the Supercharger, which unfortunately is on the other side of town.

Get $1,000 referral discount when ordering a Tesla through this link. Valid through June 15, 2017, and probably afterwards.

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Life with Model S

I blog about owning a Tesla not so much because I am a fan of Tesla, but because I am a fan of a sustainable energy future that electric cars, and Tesla in particular, are helping come to pass. I can remember a time before the Environmental Protection Agency started regulating pollution, when there were elevated levels of poisonous lead in children from leaded gasoline exhaust. I have seen dramatic improvements in the environment since that river caught fire in 1969. It’s not right yet, but it’s much better. I look forward to the shift from fossil fuels to primarily solar power, and from gasoline engines to electric ones. I want a quieter and greener future. My intended audience is people interested in buying an electric car, and those who are awaiting delivery of one.

I’ve had my Tesla Model S 60 car since September 26, 2016, about 10 weeks. I’ve driven over 4,800 miles. Things have settled down and the car is a normal part of daily life.

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Fake news

If you haven’t heard about the fake news story, “Pizzagate,” you can search for it on Google, or read this article at the New York Times. The rumor was basically that a pedophile ring was operating out of a pizzeria linked somehow to Hillary Clinton. It was just one more nutty story circulating on the Internet, like the secret tunnels connecting Walmart stores, internment camp trains, and President Obama’s plans to invoke martial law rather than leave office. The story got serious when a fellow showed up at the pizzeria with an assault rifle, fired a shot, and announced he was investigating. That followed a string of harassment and death threats directed at the restaurant. This story might have been funny, but then the shooting started.

The problem is that some part of the population appears ill-equipped to deal with the barrage of information from the Internet, where a respected news web site looks very much like a fake news site, where bad actors, foreign governments, criminals, pranksters and political operatives abound. Charts and graphs are published by non-existent organizations that have official-sounding, but made up names. I am appalled that my own friends repeat fake news on Facebook. There are people who reflexively disbelieve any established news or governmental source, but then latch on to crazy stories from the likes of Alex Jones and his InfoWars brand. At least some have suggested that Donald Trump would not have been elected president without fake news.

Some have suggested that Facebook censor fake news. Facebook, in return, has agreed to cut off advertising revenue through Facebook to fake news sites. I don’t think that will have any effect. I personally spend a lot of time debunking these stories on Facebook and try to embarrass the people who spread them.

Critical thinking and evaluating the reliability of sources is something that we as parents should teach our children, and it should be a core mission of schools. Unfortunately, many of our parents and teachers lack the skills themselves.

A modest proposal

Social media sites have a “Like” button. On Facebook there is also Haha, Sad, Angry and Love. Why can’t they add “Fake”? Just as people enjoy being liked, they might be deterred from posting fake news if their posts were fake, and it would be a crowd-sourced resource to help identify fake news. Tools could be added for social media users to filter content based on their “Fake” preferences. If you agree, share the idea on social media.

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An open letter to Senator Graham

Dear Senator Graham:

I, and I think many of my neighbors, are anxious these days in the wake of the recent election of Donald Trump. I am concerned that a Trump administration will not respect the basic rights of Americans, hurt the most vulnerable of our citizens, and take the country along a destructive path relative to the environment.

For example, Donald Trump recently tweeted a suggestion that people who burn the American flag lose their citizenship. You went to law school. You know that there is no way under the US Constitution to take away someone’s citizenship (unless obtained fraudulently). I’m no fan of flag burning, but the Constitution must be followed.

Trump is taking the lead from Alex Jones, one of the nuttiest crackpot conspiracy theorists on the Internet, on several issues including his unsubstantiated claim of massive voting by illegal immigrants. And this nonsense about climate change being a Chinese hoax? And don’t forget that until recently Trump was a birther!

The rule of law, science, common decency and competence go beyond party lines and political differences. I hope that you and your fellow senators will provide checks and balances against the most extreme excesses of any executive, and particular the poorly-prepared one we just elected. I hope you will not rubber stamp incompetent and extremist nominees for executive positions and the courts.

I want President Trump to succeed and I want America to be great under his leadership. He’s going to need a lot of help doing that. Please help.


Kevin Davidson

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Will Donald Trump release his tax returns when he becomes president?

I was looking at President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s federal income tax return from 1937 just now. It’s a quaint historical document. Roosevelt is the first president to my knowledge for which we have income tax returns. He didn’t release them during his presidency, but they were made available through his presidential library later, 25-years worth of them. President Truman released his returns during his presidency, as did Nixon, Ford (summary), Carter, Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Cheney, George W. Bush, Biden and Obama (years 2000-2016).

Add to that the tax returns of presidential candidates Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton (16 year worth), Cruz, Fiorina, Kaine, Kasich, Pence, Rubio, Sanders, Stern, Romney, Ryan, Gingrich, Santorum, McCain and Palin, to name some readily available ones.

Much was said about Donald Trump’s refusal to release tax returns as a candidate, despite a strong precedent. Will Trump now follow the presidential precedent to release tax returns? Particularly for a president with extensive financial holdings, it would seem important for the public to know whether their leader is working for them or for himself. As NPR’s Peter Overby said: Donald Trump brings “to the White House a unique potential for conflicts of interest.”

Read more:

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Video: self-driving car

This video, showing the hardware now shipping on every new Tesla Model S and Model X, plus self-driving software scheduled to be available by the end of next year, just blew me away.

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Prius to Tesla Transition Part 4 – Transition complete

It’s been quite a week. I drove the car home, and then did all the things I normally do with a car. As I become more familiar with the car, I like it a lot more.


One of the big sighs of relief came when I found that the car was able to park itself in my garage, something I found difficult to do myself. Now I can monitor parking from outside the car with a perfect view of everything. Should something go wrong, I can abort the process with a press of the key fob. I just wish I had tried that sooner.


Within 25 miles of where I live is the BMW factory and the North American Headquarters for Michelin (also an R&D facility). There are lots of car people around, and a lot of BMW’s on the road, a surprising number to me. Whether it’s my peculiar geographical location or something else, my car is turning heads. I drive conservatively, +5 MPH on the Interstate, and when cars pass me I see some rather extreme head turns. One Audi driver turned his head, and I could see him catching me in his rear view mirror. I was at the county recycling facility dumping paper and plastic. The fellow parked next to me said that he had taken a test drive in a Model S, and owning one was on his bucket list. I’ve had at least four people ask me about the car in detail. I had no idea that so many people are interested in Tesla.


In the Prius, even though it had the premium JBL sound system and a 6-CD changer, I rarely listened to music, rather more to news radio (NPR) and audio books on a long trip. This morning on the way to church I asked the Model S to play some songs by Enya, and it dutifully streamed some from the Internet. The combination of the smooth driving, the low noise, and the smooth music was a very pleasurable combination. I own a fair amount of music, mostly classical, and I plan to put it on a flash drive and listen while I’m driving on the Interstate.

Prius compatibility

I turned off Mild Regeneration and Creep, things that make the car drive more like a Prius. I’m starting to accelerate more briskly than I did with the Prius. I washed the Tesla, something I rarely did with the Prius. I’m still interested in mileage, in this case reduced energy consumption per mile. Today I passed 500 on the odometer.  My average consumption is 274 W-hr/mi. That’s better than the EPA combined estimate. I don’t know whether it is just the kind of driving I do, or if I am just an energy-efficient driver having driven a Prius with it’s energy consumption displays for 12 years. Whatever it is, it pleases me. I have removed the Energy app from the Instrument Panel (it was usually on in the Prius unless navigating) as not providing any information I need. I ended up doing what most Tesla photos show: I put the Music app on the Panel, something I didn’t think I would do.

Transition complete

As of today, I declare my transition complete. The only thing I have left to do with the Prius is to find out how much it sold for, and deduct the donation on my taxes. To answer the question I raised in my first post in the transition series: if I had it to do over, I would have not gotten the air suspension, and I would have gotten the all-wheel drive version. Maybe I would have gotten red too, like my old Prius.


The Prius sold for $4,200.

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