Church Helpmate 2010 under Windows 10

imageOur church uses Church Helpmate 2010 for contribution accounting. I’m the contributions secretary, and I run a copy of the software at home to do reports. Things were working smoothly until I installed Windows 10 on my home system and Helpmate stopped working.

As part of installing Windows 10, I had to re-install Microsoft Office Professional 2013 and I think that latter item caused my problem. The symptom was an error message about “registry permissions” followed by an offer to repair the problem. I ran the repair, but the problem persisted, and afterwards any attempt to start the program resulted in an installation dialog that appeared briefly and then closed.

In order to fix this problem I used the Windows uninstaller to remove both Church Helpmate 2010 AND the Microsoft Access 2002 runtime. I also deleted a folder (maybe unnecessarily) C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Sagekey Software. After that I re-installed Church Helpmate from media.

That fixed it and all is working again.


I installed Office 365, which at this point is Office 2016. I had the same problem with HelpMate and the same solution worked. Helpmate is a Microsoft Access application integrally tied to the Access 2002 runtime. Somehow that runtime is damaged by the Office installation (which includes the current version of Access).

I recently learned that the latest version, HelpMate 2015, is built on Access 2o10. That might work better.

Update 2:

We upgraded to HelpMate 2015. The biggest surprise is now utterly similar it looks, the main changes being graphic icons instead of words on buttons. The big internal change is the built-in PDF creator which is hugely better. Also, the Access 2010 run-time avoids some of the previous problems with broken updates for the older version of Access.

I was concerned about the Office 365 refusal to allow concurrent older versions of Office on the same computer. This appears not to be the case with the run-time version of Access.

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Is Windows 10 a reprise of Windows Vista?

I remember Windows Vista; in fact I still have a laptop that came installed with Windows Vista. What comes to mind first about that experience is that my disk drive became corrupted multiple times and I had to re-install the operating system from scratch at least twice. I also remember that it became stable after Service Pack 1 came out.

Fast forward to Windows 10, another promising but very buggy operating system. I have read horror stories from my friends and on the Internet about machines locking up and being basically unusable after upgrading to Windows 10. Lots of folks put this thing on the first few days, and several have reverted back to their former operating systems. I decided to “take arms against a sea of troubles and, by opposing, end them.” And I did basically fix or work around all the bugs and migration issues after a week or so of work–a few still persist that I’m living with almost 2 month later.


Cortana is a bad joke. How do you set up Cortana, Microsoft’s digital assistant? It’s not in the Control Panel or the new “All settings” app. It’s not even in the bottom drawer of a locked file cabinet in a basement room with a sign on the door, “Beware of the leopard!” Internet help pages say that the way to configure Cortana is to type “Cortana” in the search bar. That works on some of my machines, but not on at least one of them. Another help page suggested selecting Settings from the upper left of the Cortana screen: there are 4 icons there, “Home, Notebook, Reminders and Feedback.” Not to keep you under suspense, it’s under “Notebook.” 😯

The more serious problem is that the vast majority of attempts to use Cortana result in errors like “Sorry, the internet and I aren’t talking right now.” Try, “Hey Cortana, where’s the nearest hospital” to appreciate that message. Update: Cortana is working better this morning. Update: Cortana is now mostly working, but it relies on Bing for all its searching and Bing is broken and has been for weeks. Update: Bing seems to be working reliably now.

Siri can set a timer, but Cortana cannot.

Error messages

I have never appreciated error messages from Windows that are little more than “Search for this 8 digit number on the Internet and figure out for yourselves which of the dozen things it could mean apply.” That’s not improved in Windows 10 and with new Windows 10 apps, they are more likely to just wink away and tell you nothing, like the Camera app did when it couldn’t find the Camera Roll directory. Stuff like this shouldn’t be tolerated from a programmer trainee!

General stability and operability

I have two tablet computers, a Microsoft Surface 3 Pro and a Dell Venue 8 Pro. I have to bang over and over on the screen to get it to recognize taps, and Windows 10 is just too tightly spaced on many of its critical functions to be usable with finger input. Update: with the latest Threshold 2 Insider Builds, there is more finger space.

There are persistent problems getting the on–screen keyboard to pop-up when it’s needed. Sometimes the Windows start page in tablet mode is blank. It’s not unusual for your application to just disappear because you brushed the tablet. And Skype, which runs in the background keeps popping up when the desktop whatever it’s called is supposed to be there. Update: In the Insider Builds, Skype no longer runs as a desktop app, rather as a separate Phone app. The app is totally buggy and crashes a lot. You can, however, still install and run the Desktop version.

Settings are still scattered all over the countryside and hard to find.

Other bugs

A huge bug that can be worked around is OneDrive resetting permissions on your folders so you can’t save your stuff in them. This makes itself known in a variety of ways depending on the application. Office can’t save files; Live Writer can’t upload blog posts; Lightroom can’t open its catalog; you can’t import pictures; you can’t download files. Update: this seems to have been worked up through various Windows updates.

Windows converts all your private networks to public networks during upgrade, so none of your shared files and devices work until you change it back.

Lots of folks are screaming about their web cams not working. My Camera app didn’t work due to a permissions bug.


Windows 10 is a fairly good design and an improvement over Windows 8.1. But it is very buggy and many people are having problems with many things. I personally have most everything working (one machine did crash this morning), and I’m productive again. Windows 10 is only for early adopters.


The title of my article asks if Windows 10 is a reprise of Windows Vista. Just as Windows Vista got a whole lot better with Service Pack 1, Windows 10 has gotten a whole lot better with Build 10586 that came out last November.

For most folks, and particularly Windows 8 and 8.1 users, I suggest upgrading to Windows 10.

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Migrating to Windows 10: a few hints

My recommendation is NOT to upgrade to Windows 10 at this time if you use OneDrive. There is a crippling bug where OneDrive changes permissions on your directories where you can’t use them. If you fix the permissions, they will just go bad as soon as you reboot. Hint: Do not install Windows 10. If you have already installed Windows 10 and are having this problem, see the workaround I developed at the end of the article. Let me add that while I am generally not having a lot of Windows 10 problems, others on the Internet are reporting all sorts of problems, and a fair number of folks have gone back to Windows 8.1 or Windows 7.

I guess this is a topic I have some expertise on since I’ve migrated 6 systems—two desktops, two laptops and two tablets. Two systems were Windows 7 and the other 4 were Windows 8.1. One Windows 8.1 laptop was originally Windows Vista, migrated to Windows 7, migrated to Windows 8.1 and finally to Windows 10.

My first bit of advice about Windows 10 migration is to watch out for the offer of Express Settings at the end of installation. Selecting the Express Settings may be sharing more information with Microsoft than you are comfortable with sharing. Hint: do not accept Express Setup.

Several of my systems did not work right immediately after upgrading. There were a number of weird symptoms, but all were cured by rebooting. Hint: reboot your computer after installation before you try to use it.

The first annoyance in the migration is that the Windows 8.1 machines, which all had nicely configured start screens, ended up with start menus that were jumbled together or missing things. I had assigned my programs into groups—all of which became jammed into one, and a bunch of new stuff (new Microsoft Apps) was added in the front, like the Groove Music and Mail apps. Each system required time to manually unscramble the apps into meaningful categories again, remove the stuff I had no interest in, and to add things that got left out. Hint: take screen shots of your start screen to make the setup quicker under Windows 10.

There is a major SNAFU in Windows 10 and OneDrive that may put you in a world of hurt. Every time you boot your computer, OneDrive may reset permissions on your Pictures, Documents and other folders so that you don’t have access to them, even if you are signed on as the Administrator for the computer. There is a workaround for this problem at the end of this article. Hint: Don’t install Windows 10 until Microsoft fixes this problem or check if you feel comfortable with the steps in my workaround.

Windows 10 decided to convert my home network into a public network, and then to shut down all the services and features reserved for private networks. That meant that all my machines were no longer discoverable to each other. This problem can appear in several ways depending on what you share. Hint: go to the Network Sharing Center (right click on the network icon in the system tray) and select the appropriate type of network.

All of my systems belonged to a homegroup. After installation, they didn’t. I had to re-join each machine to the homegroup. My old homegroup password was not changed. You can fix this by right-clicking the start menu, selecting Control Panel and searching in it for “homegroup.” Hint: re-join your homegroup.

This brings me to a pet peeve about Windows 10, the search. While it seemed that Windows 8.1 search did a great job of locating programs and settings, Windows 10 does not. One thing to understand about Windows 10 is that there is a good deal of asynchronous processing going on, so that while you might see something displayed in a list, that doesn’t mean that the list won’t get longer if you wait. You could, in the previous example, have typed “homegroup” into the desktop search bar and if you waited long enough, the Control Panel homegroup applet would have appeared. In my limited experience, two machines will respond differently to the same search. For example, “uninstall” will get you different results on different machines, and on one of mine, the “Uninstall a program” control panel applet has yet to appear.

If you had not previously signed on with a Microsoft account (as was the case for my two Windows 7 machines), you may want to change to it. You’ll be fighting an uphill battle unless you do, for example you won’t be able to use the new Cortana digital assistant. Hint: when asked to sign on with a Microsoft Account, let it.

One of my Windows 8.1 tablets has a Micro SD card where I keep my file history, downloads and pictures. I’m not sure whether this happened during the Windows 10 upgrade or before, but somehow the drive letter got changed from S: to D:, resulting in some program errors accessing folders. This change also caused the Camera to stop working. Hint: check all your system folders (Documents, Music, Pictures, Downloads…) and make sure they are assigned where you think they should be. To change, right-click on the folder, select properties, and look under the Location tab. Also check your Libraries in the File Explorer to make sure there are no old entries to the prior drive letter.

Cortana is now generally working on my systems, but for some reason it was enabled on some and not on others. If your system won’t recognize “Hey Cortana” then go to the Search Box and enter “Cortana” and you will be directed to the Cortana settings, where there is a switch to enable “Hey Cortana” recognition and a training button to train it in the way you talk. There is a new search box next to the start button, and it has a microphone icon—click that if “Hey Cortana” isn’t working, and the voice recognition will likely work. As I said before, Cortana requires a Microsoft Account. When you first begin, you won’t see the microphone icon until you click in the box and respond to the “Get started” button on the search panel. Clicking on that is also a pre-requisite for Cortana. My hasty examination of this startup dialog is that you have to agree to share a good deal of information with Microsoft to get it to work (stuff I hadn’t wanted to share in Express Setup).

One small issue for users of Microsoft Office 2013 on the Microsoft Surface hardware, is that the button on the Surface Pen starts the freebie version of OneNote, not the advanced version in Office 2013. There is apparently no way to change this at present. Hint: add OneNote 2013 to the task bar.

I had some issues with File History after migration. Two of the machines being migrated were Windows 7 Home Premium versions. Somewhere along the line, the File History that previously was directed to a shared location on one of my computers got turned off for those machines. Under Windows 10, there are two settings paths: Under the Action Center (click the Action Center Icon on the System Tray or type Windows-A) there appears at the bottom (you may have to wait for it) a list of buttons for immediate actions, one called “All Settings.” Under that you can set up your File History, but you cannot set it to a network location with the Home edition! If you type “File History” in the search box next to the start button, eventually there should appear “File History: Control Panel.” That one will let you save the history to a shared drive. Hint: check that your File History is working as intended.

The Skype “Modern Windows” app cannot be installed under Windows 10, so don’t waste time trying. Something new is supposed to be available later in the year. Hint: Use desktop Skype for now.

OneDrive is another area of concern because it works differently under Windows 10. Before, one could see all the files on the OneDrive, whether they were synchronized or not. Opening a file caused it to be downloaded. Now you select the folders to synchronize, and you will see only the files in those folders. Reports are that there will be a new scheme released later in the year, but until then you’ll have to think through what you will need to see on each machine. Until you set this up, Windows 10 will prompt you periodically to set it up. Finding the setting if not responding to a prompt is not obvious. One might look for a setting in the Control Panel, or perhaps under Properties for the OneDrive folder, or as as a right-click option on the OneDrive folder. Actually, what you have to do is to right-click on one of the folders under the OneDrive, and select  "Choose which OneDrive folders to sync." From that, you can set them all. Hint: develop a plan for what you need to see on each machine and create folders to isolate what is automatically downloaded from what is not.

Workaround for Windows 10 permissions problem with OneDrive

I now have all six of my machines solidly working (rebooted several times) and OneDrive is running.

Here is the procedure:

  • Go to each high-level folder with File Explorer where you are having problems (e.g. C:\Users\YourNameHere\Documents) and right-click, select Properties | Security | Advanced. Make sure the the "Enable inheritance" button is not showing. If it is, click it. Click OK.
  • Go to the C:\Users folder and right-click. Select Properties | Sharing | Advanced sharing
  • Click Permissions
  • If you don’t see your own account listed, click Add.
  • Type in your sign on account, and click OK.
  • Then click the Full Control box and OK to close the dialog
  • Go back to your Documents folder with File Explorer and verify that you now have your user account listed under Properties | Security.

I consider this is a workaround, an alternate way of providing the security you need that survives a reboot. Still, it’s not too evil and everything works.

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Hey Cortana, start control panel

How Windows 10 meets expectations

I wrote an article about how I was looking forward to Windows 10. As I get experience with Windows 10 I plan to put in this article just how well it stands up against expectations. I installed the Windows Insider Build 10162 today.


First, and foremost, Heroes of Might and Magic III seems to run just fine. What a relief! I must admit though, that after around 15 years of playing this game, I’m not doing it so often anymore.

The Start menu

Yes the Start menu/panel is back. Basically what was on the Windows Start Screen is now under the Windows logo button on a panel. Like the old Start Screen (which is gone), you can configure and group applications. All applications now run on the desktop. Like Windows 8.1, right clicking on the Windows logo start button shows a pop-up menu with the same stuff it did in Windows 8.1. In “tablet mode” the start menu overlays the desktop and appears like the old Start Screen. A minor annoyance is that it scrolls vertically, while the Windows 8.1 Start Screen scrolled horizontally. So all in all, I think this new start menu works.


One of my initial gripes about Windows 10 was how hard it was to find the Control Panel. This was my mistake for expecting it to be on the start menu rather than on the start pop-up menu just like where it was in Windows 8.1, but I also discovered that I could say “Hey Cortana, start control panel” and up popped the Control Panel. That really pleased me.

Better tablet experience

This remains to be seen as I actually try to do stuff. Certainly some advances have been made in making more things available without switching from the Start Screen to the Desktop, or now we would say switching from Desktop to Tablet mode. As time has passed, I am finding Windows 10 to be natural in operating, and Windows 8.1 a little awkward. This is a good thing.


To be determined.


These will have to wait until I have upgraded all my systems to the official release version. So far, all of the software from before, including the stuff I wrote, does work under Windows 10.

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Looking forward to Windows 10

There are 6 Windows computers in the house (not including a phone), and yesterday those little Get Windows 10 icons imagestarted appearing in the system tray (you may have to install updates for this to appear, specifically the optional KB 3035583). Windows 10 is supposed to start rolling out July 29, and is a free upgrade for non Enterprise Windows 7 and 8.1 users. After you click that icon, you will be given the opportunity to “reserve” your copy, and after that you’ll see a new notification in Windows Update.


So here’s why I’m looking forward to Windows 10:

The Start Menu is back

The single-most stupid thing (IMO) Microsoft did with Windows 8 was losing the start menu on the desktop. The desktop became harder to use because of it. I have to do various extra clicks to get where I’m going for this reason. It turned happy Windows 7 users into confused Windows 8 users.


I’ve watched with interest how effectively some people are using voice recognition on their phones, including dictation. Siri and I simply do not get along. Nevertheless, I believe that voice navigation and dictation are promising features, and I want an opportunity to get serious in trying to master them. I know that Windows 8 has voice recognition, but I haven’t gotten into it. Windows 10 has the Microsoft’s digital assistant Cortana, and I think it’s time now to get busy with voice recognition in general.

Better tablet experience

I am hoping that Microsoft has finished the tablet part of Windows 8.1. The problem was that one had to go all over the place looking for settings. I like the Windows 8.1 tablet interface, but too many things required access to the desktop to accomplish. I also hope that following on the heels of Windows 8.1, we’ll see a new tablet enabled version of Microsoft Office, and I already have my Office 365 subscription ready to enjoy that.

Free upgrade

One of my two main desktop systems is still running Windows 7. I’ve added USB 3.0 ports to that system, that are not natively supported by Windows 7. It has an SSD main drive, and I’m really looking forward to the faster boot times I see on my Windows 8.1 tablets for this system. Switching back and forth between Windows 7 and 8.1 on the side-by-side desktop systems is a drag.


OneDrive has really gotten my attention. I used to carry around a flash drive to have files with me on the go. I still carry the flash drive, but I never use it. It’s all OneDrive now. The convenience, plus the huge storage space bundled with the Office 365 subscription, turned OneDrive into an essential service for me. Windows 10 is supposed to offer a better interface for controlling what is and is not synced with the local system, an essential feature when you have a terabyte of cloud space, and a tablet with only a fraction of that. It also supports fetching files on a remote computer (already available), but it’s starting to make sense to put this stuff in the cloud. Cortana can even search files on your OneDrive, but not synced to the local computer.


  • I hope my Windows Vista era laptop (which has gone from Vista to Windows 7 to Windows 8.1) makes it to Windows 10, and that the fingerprint recognition hardware will still work.
  • I hope that there will be a smooth experience using my computers, whether they are touch-enabled or not.
  • I hope Heroes of Might and Magic 3 keeps working.
  • I hope I will be able to backup all my devices to an external USB hard drive on one of the computers (right now the Windows 7 to Windows 8.1 combination doesn’t work).
  • I hope all my software will still work (especially a concern for the Windows 7 desktop).
  • I’ve used every version of Windows since 3.0. I hope this latest one will mark a sea change in the amount of time I spend wrestling with computer problems vs. the amount of time I spend enjoying my computer for entertainment and productivity.
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Why I will never buy another computer from Dell

I may buy another Dell computer, but not from Dell.

I go way back with Dell. I can’t count the number of Dell systems I’ve had over the years. I know there are three Dell desktops in the house, two Dell laptops and 2 Dell tablets. When I was working, we had all Dell equipment, and we were a Dell reseller. They have been good systems.

The story starts in 2008: a waiter at a hotel restaurant in Atlanta skimmed my credit card, and ordered expensive consumer electronic items from about everyone you could imagine, including Dell, Apple, Tiger Direct, etc. – computers, flat screen TV’s—you name it. My credit card company called me up in a couple of hours to see if the activity was fraudulent. I said it was, and I never heard anything more about it.

Fast forward past several Dell systems to this past February. I bought a desktop system from Dell, a high-end home system. I tried to order it online, but I kept getting contradictory pricing information (one page showed the system, and the next page in the checkout was $100 more with no indication of what the $100 was—it was tax, but they never itemized the tax on the check-out pages), so I ended up in online chat with a Dell representative and he persuaded me with a 10% back gift card to finance the system, 6-months no interest. I gave him all the financial information. Time passed and I received a free tablet computer that was part of the promotion on the system, but I never got the Dell order confirmation email. So I went on the Dell site, logged in and found that there was no order listed for me. I found that the system and ship date were listed under my warranty information, but no order.

Continue reading
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Fading memories

My wife and I returned from a trip to Argentina and Chile last month, and already the memories of that memorable trip are starting to fade. What was that bird called? Which town were we in? Today I remember you Arlene, Bob, Lydia, Kit, Jane, Mark, Brian, Carol, Paula, Stephen, Mike and Dianne, and I remember our leader Graciela, of course. If you asked me for a similar list from last year’s trip, I would draw a blank, and will probably be unable to make this trip list 6 months from now.

That’s one reason I take photos. I’ve found limited use for my photos to show others. I put a few on Facebook, and people like them. But the real value of the photos is for my benefit, as they help me relive the experience.

I thought that by writing about the trips, perhaps I might preserve even more. That leads to this article and the image below taken in a remote desert location between Calama and San Pedro Chile.


Each of those red vertical poles represents a person killed by a cruel dictatorship for no good reason and dumped in the desert, as part of what was called the “Caravan of Death.” This and other images from Argentina and Chile teach me what human beings can do when they are afraid: the seek safety in powerful leadership and in order and in a less-threatening version of the truth. It teaches me what humans do when they get too much power.

I saw stunning landscapes; rivers, lakes and waterfalls; wonderful animals and trees; and fascinating people. But the one thing I hope I never forget is the image above.

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