I’ve started using the phrase, Swiss Army Knife™, to describe some radios. I thought it would be worth some time talking about the concept and applying it to some examples I have. The general term refers to a useful tool that performs many functions, as do the Swiss Army Knives made by Victorinox in Switzerland (who owns the trademark).

My working definition is: a shortwave radio that has at least two distinct non-radio functions, but is not generally considered a “weather radio,” although it might have a weather band. I’ve already presented my Thunderous Clash of the Weather Radios article for weather radios. Examples of a second function might include a flashlight or a music player (Bluetooth or MP3). I saw a radio for sale once that included a bottle opener.

Bottom Row: HanRongDa HRD-757, Raddy RF75A, LiJiANi Rd239