Photo Album

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Radio Collection

These are photos of my radio collection


Pictures of places I have been


Habitat for Humanity houses I've worked on.

4 Responses to Photo Album

  1. Ian Melchior says:

    I just looked up your website and saw Mollie’s comment. I am listening to your recording of A Hero of Our Time.

    I had originally requested an audiobook through my local library, and the version they got was an abhorrent “synthesized voice” that completely lacked any emotion or interpretation. It was so distracting I couldn’t bear to listen to it, and then I found your version on LibriVox, which is fantastic.

    Thank you for recording these.

  2. Mollie Bowling says:

    I am listening to “Idle Days in Patagonia,” a book you narrated for LibriVox. I had never heard of William Henry Hudson, and have been delighted by this 1894 publication. You have done a superb job of performing the narration, and were clearly the perfect person to do it. Many thanks.

    • Kevin says:

      I’m glad that people are actually listening to the audiobooks and enjoying them.

      I read that book in preparation for my own trip to Patagonia 3 months later. It’s a really beautiful and varied landscape.

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