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Tag Archives: shortwave radio
Grundig G4000A: Observations Part 2
Shortwave I wanted to test a collection of “comparable radios.” Given that we’re comparing a vintage radio to newer ones, there’re not exactly comparable. The Tecsun PL-660, bought not long after my original G4000A, is the only one with similar … Continue reading
Shortwave Schedules
I rely heavily on shortwave schedules to help me figure out what I’m listening to on the radio. While we may not be as well off as our forebears in terms of international shortwave stations to listen to, we are … Continue reading
Posted in Radio
Tagged HFCC, Prpopagation, PRYOM, schedules, Shortwave DB, shortwave radio, Weather stations
Lost Loves
I was over on eBay today and they showed me a radio for sale, one that elicited a pang of regret. It was a Grundig G4000A receiver. The one below was my main receiver for a while, starting in 2011. … Continue reading
Posted in Radio
Tagged Grundig G4000A, Grundig radios, Realistic DX-300, sharing the love, shortwave radio, Tecsun Radios
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Surprise Radio: RTL-SDR Blog V4 SDR
See warning at the end of the post. I’ve had an RTL-SDR Blog V3 SDR for a few years, but I haven’t blogged much about it beyond the article on SSB. In the intervening years, RTL-SDR Blog has come out … Continue reading
Zhiwhis ZWS-2415: Just Curious
I like puzzles, one of which is figuring out where radios come from. The ZWS-2415 got its FCC Type Acceptance under model HD-2415 by a Chinese company called Shenzhen Huedeli Electronics Co., Ltd. The company’s website says they make weather … Continue reading
Zhiwhis ZWS-2415: On Shortwave
The Zhiwhis ZWS-2415 is shipped with a 3-meter clip-on wire antenna, so that’s how I did my initial test today. I went up to the local pickleball court where there is a convenient picnic table and set up the wire … Continue reading
Posted in Product Reviews, Radio
Tagged Radio comparisons, shortwave radio, ZWS-2415
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Zhiwhis ZWS-2415: First Impressions
Unboxing It comes in a nice box with outstanding padding. Here are the photos and some initial comments.