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Tag Archives: Tecsun PL-330
Battle of the Under $100 Shortwave Radios
After the roaring success of my Battle of the under $50 shortwave radios (36 views! ROFL) I’m inspired to up the ante and review models that could be purchased today with shipping between $50 and $100. The contestants this time … Continue reading
Tecsun PL-ease: Comparing the PL-330, PL-660, PL-880 and PL-990 Shortwave Radios
Here I compare 4 great Tecsun radios; Three are still in production, and the PL-660 can still be purchased new. PL-660 Introduction The PL-660 was introduced in 2010 and I’ve owned mine since December of 2011; it’s been a great … Continue reading
Posted in Product Reviews, Radio, Technology
Tagged Analog radios, DSP radios, Radio comparisons, shortwave radio, SSB, Tecsun PL-330, Tecsun PL-660, Tecsun PL-880, Tecsun PL-990
I’ve owned a radio with SSB and CW reception at least since I was 17 years old back in 1967, starting with the Lafayette Radio Electronics KT-340 I built from a kit. I got into collecting shortwave radios a decade … Continue reading
Posted in Product Reviews, Radio
Tagged Eton Elite Executive, RDL-SDR Blog, shortwave radio, SSB, Tecsun PL-330, Tecsun PL-660, Tecsun PL-880, XHDATA D-808
PL-330 or D-808?
Someone asked me on my Blog or Die! YouTube channel which radio I would recommend to someone just getting started with the shortwave listening hobby, the Tecsun PL-330 or the XHDATA D-808. Both were briefly featured in the video, and … Continue reading
Radio Memory Systems
I have a number of radios that can store information in station memories, called “presets.” They all work differently. Here I include a brief review and say what I like best. Radios use memories in two ways: to allow the … Continue reading
MW DX Project
I don’t pay much attention to MW radio (typically called AM in the US) because FM sounds better and MW stations around here are typically full of political garbage, but perhaps I can find something of interest since I have … Continue reading
Posted in Radio, Technology
Tagged Kaito WRX911, MW DXing, Panasonic RF-085, Tecsun PL-330
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My favorite shortwave radio
My very first website had this heading: Find out who I am by reading my web siteand I will find out who I am by writing it. I’m writing this article to help myself answer the question of which is … Continue reading