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Tag Archives: Tecsun PL-660
Grundig G4000A: Observations Part 2
Shortwave I wanted to test a collection of “comparable radios.” Given that we’re comparing a vintage radio to newer ones, there’re not exactly comparable. The Tecsun PL-660, bought not long after my original G4000A, is the only one with similar … Continue reading
World Music Radio – Denmark
According to their website, World Music Radio is a 24-hour music station using just a couple hundred Watts output power. It’s a rarity to be heard in North America, but thanks to a hint from Gilles Letourneau on the YouTube … Continue reading
Posted in Radio
Tagged Denmark, Qodosen DX-286, shortwave radio, Tecsun PL-660, Tecsun PL-990, World Music Radio
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Comparing My Top Radios
I talked about my Under $50 Radios and my Under $100 Radios and now it’s time to take a look at the much smaller top shelf. The group is: Model price1 Firmware Eton Elite Executive $199.00 Unknown Tecsun PL-660 … Continue reading
Posted in Product Reviews, Radio
Tagged Eton Elite Executive, Radio comparisons, shortwave radio, Tecsun PL-660, Tecsun PL-880, Tecsun PL-990
Tecsun PL-ease: Comparing the PL-330, PL-660, PL-880 and PL-990 Shortwave Radios
Here I compare 4 great Tecsun radios; Three are still in production, and the PL-660 can still be purchased new. PL-660 Introduction The PL-660 was introduced in 2010 and I’ve owned mine since December of 2011; it’s been a great … Continue reading
Posted in Product Reviews, Radio, Technology
Tagged Analog radios, DSP radios, Radio comparisons, shortwave radio, SSB, Tecsun PL-330, Tecsun PL-660, Tecsun PL-880, Tecsun PL-990
I’ve owned a radio with SSB and CW reception at least since I was 17 years old back in 1967, starting with the Lafayette Radio Electronics KT-340 I built from a kit. I got into collecting shortwave radios a decade … Continue reading
Posted in Product Reviews, Radio
Tagged Eton Elite Executive, RDL-SDR Blog, shortwave radio, SSB, Tecsun PL-330, Tecsun PL-660, Tecsun PL-880, XHDATA D-808
Tecsun PL-660 vs PL-880
I’ve owned my Tecsun PL-660 since 2011 (12 years). It’s not the newest version of that radio –there have been firmware updates since then — but it works well, and is arguably the best radio I own. More recently the … Continue reading
Posted in Product Reviews, Radio
Tagged AIR band, Radio comparisons, shortwave radio, Single Sideband, Tecsun PL-660, Tecsun PL-880, WWV
Any Given Sunday
The phrase “any given Sunday” comes from American professional football, a game often played on Sundays. It’s short for “on any given Sunday, any NFL team can defeat any other.” It happens due to random events, special conditions, injuries and … Continue reading
Posted in Radio
Tagged Raddy RF75A, shortwave listening, shortwave radio, Tecsun PL-660
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