Tag Archives: Windows 10

Thriving in the Microsoft ecosystem

I’ve used most of my computer hobby time since the release of Windows 10 fighting to keep the things I had working, rather than actually using and enjoying my computers. Now with the release of Windows 10 Build 10586, most … Continue reading

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Church Helpmate 2010 under Windows 10

Our church uses Church Helpmate 2010 for contribution accounting. I’m the contributions secretary, and I run a copy of the software at home to do reports. Things were working smoothly until I installed Windows 10 on my home system and Helpmate … Continue reading

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Is Windows 10 a reprise of Windows Vista?

I remember Windows Vista; in fact I still have a laptop that came installed with Windows Vista. What comes to mind first about that experience is that my disk drive became corrupted multiple times and I had to re-install the … Continue reading

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Migrating to Windows 10: a few hints

My recommendation is NOT to upgrade to Windows 10 at this time if you use OneDrive. There is a crippling bug where OneDrive changes permissions on your directories where you can’t use them. If you fix the permissions, they will … Continue reading

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Looking forward to Windows 10

There are 6 Windows computers in the house (not including a phone), and yesterday those little Get Windows 10 icons started appearing in the system tray (you may have to install updates for this to appear, specifically the optional KB … Continue reading

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